How It Works
At Smart Investment ®, we are constantly changing the traditional trading industry into smart commerce to ensure lower loss rates for our clients, in order to open up financial markets to everyone everywhere.
Our purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. Together with our clients, we’re contributing to a more equitable and resilient world – today and for generations to come.

What are the services provided
by Smart Investment
financial wellbeing
We help millions of people invest to build savings that serve them throughout their lives. As it becomes harder to save for goals like retirement, how can we help more people invest for their future

Investment access:
Smart Investments provides you with professional wealth management services that include everything that affects your financial and investment resources. It is a set of financial planning and investment advisory services that include comprehensive management of the investment portfolio and saves you the hassle by providing a broad sector One of the traditional and advanced financial services with the aim of meeting your personal needs and achieving your financial goals
Portfolios Management
A group of experts in financial markets and technical and fundamental analysis specialized in managing investment portfolios in several ways and strategies that have proven successful
It offers various and comprehensive options that suit the aspirations of investors
It provides clients wishing to invest an opportunity to make profits through managing portfolios within strict regulations and laws stipulated in the terms and conditions of Smart Investment.

Smart Group Investment
The most basic information about our group

Currency pairs, including majors such as EUR/USD and AUD/USD.
CFDs on popular cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and Ethereum.
Commodities like gold, platinum, silver and oil.
Indices such as the DAX, FTSE 100 and Dow Jones.

Daily and weekly market emails from our research team.
Fundamental analysis of the day’s headline makers.
Sentiment on the most heavily traded instruments in the market.
Daily analysis and trading ideas direct to your inbox.
Technical data including forex analysis via AutoChartist Trade Setups.

Seminars for beginners and experienced traders.
Downloadable eBooks offering sentiment on gold, oil, and more.
Educational webinars on the risks and rewards of trading.
Training workshops in the UAE.
Earnings and economic calendars to help you keep on top of the news and plan a strategy.